Hey you!
I am Aleksandra Vagabonda, a self-taught artist from Poland.
I started to actively do art in age of 21 when I resigned from my first studies and went for an unconventional travel to seek for myself.
I was always interested to meet, try and learn new techniques. Although I was interested on the beginning with drawings and oil paintings, during the time I expanded my horizons to batik, woodcut, woodcut print, animation, graffiti, tattoos, pyrography and finally music.
My learning and developing process as an artist and as a person was inspired and supported by artists form many countries. In 2019 I had my first official exhibition named “Magic Trip” in Art Collective Sesama in Yogyakarta, Indonesia in cooperation with Indonesian and European artists. This opened many doors for me but unfortunately just after there was an international lockdown... So I came back to Germany and continued my developement at home ;).
After some time I had a chance to exhibit again and to take part in the cultural life of city Dresden, where I live and work until now.
From a very long time I was interested in the ancient objects, rituals, musik, in the way how people have been long ago. I was trying to understand who I am but also what it means to be human. This reaserch brought me to study cultures and religions all around the world and on the univesity in Lepizig.
My studies of Cultural Science in combination with travelling and spiritual development gave a magic tough to my art. My art focuses on social or emotional, that should not be suppressed but brought it to the daily light and start process of inner healing and connecting to the actual self and others.
The aim of my work and life is to find out, what, if anything, is still reality in the socialised mind of a human and how can we reconect with us, others and the nature.
Thanks for visiting my website and see you soon om my next show or in the studio!